Intern Program Coursework

Single Subject Interns will receive an individualized Teacher Preperation Plan specifying a course sequence that must be followed.

Single Subject Credential Coursework

Course Number Units
Teaching for Equity in Secondary Schools SED 701 3 units
Curriculum & Instruction 1—subject specific; see course number below.
Courses offered Fall only
Subject Area-Course Number: Art-ART 650; English-ENG 713; Foreign Languages-FL 750; Mathematics-S ED 759.01; Music-MUS 760; P.E.-KIN 750; Science-S ED 759.02; and Social Science-SED 759.03
Course numbers vary 3 units
Curriculum & Instruction 2—subject specific; see course number below
Courses offered Spring only
Subject Area-Course Number: Art-ART 655; English-ENG 714; Foreign Languages-FL 751; Mathematics-S ED 769.01; Music-MUS 761; P.E.-KIN 751; Science-S ED 769.02; and Social Science-SED 769.03
Course numbers vary 3 units
Literacy Across Content Areas SED 720 3 units
Second Language Development SED 790 3 units
Adolescent Development SED 800 3 units
Classroom Environment (concurrent with SED 640) SED 751 3 units
Student Teaching Level I /Observation & Participation (concurrent with SED 751) SED 640 3 units
Professional Perspectives & Practices SED 752 3 units
Student Teaching Level II (concurrent with SED 752) SED 660 9 units

Multiple Subject Interns see coordinator for course sequence.

Multiple Subject Credential Coursework

Course Number Units
Second Language Acquisition EED 749 3 units
Seminar in Developmental Teaching and Learning EED 786 3 units
Teaching Reading-Language Arts, K-3 EED 782 3 units
Teaching Practicum I - 12 hrs. per week in elementary classroom EED 746 3 units
Social/Cultural/Historical Foundations K-12 EED 701 3 units
Curriculum and Instruction, Science
Teaching Social Studies, Social Justice and Literacy, 3-6

EED 679


EED 777

3 units
Curriculum and Instruction, Math EED 784 3 units
Teaching Practicum Seminar I EED 757 3 units
Teaching Practicum II - 12 hrs. per week in elementary classroom EED 747 3 units
Teaching Social Studies, Social Justice and Literacy, 3-6 EED 737 3 units
Teaching Practicum Seminar III EED 758 3 units
Teaching Practicum III - 15 weeks, M to Th – includes 5 nonconsecutive solo days + one solo
week (5 consecutive solo days)
EED 748 4 units