Credential Programs

The Graduate College of Education coordinates all credential programs offered at SF State, both within the GCOE and through other colleges.

Within the GCOE, a range of educator preparation programs are offered that include preliminary credentials for teachers in elementary (Multiple Subjects), high school (Secondary), special education (Education Specialist) with traditional and intern teacher program options. Additional program options for teachers include the Bilingual Authorization in Spanish and Chinese language. In addition, services credentials are offered in Speech-Language Pathology Services, Orientation and Mobility, and Reading Literacy and Language Specializations. Other Added Authorizations in Early Childhood Special Education and Orthopedic Impairment are also available in Special Education. Preparation for school principals is also provided through the Administrative Services Credential.

Outside of the GCOE, the Personnel Pupil Services Credentials are offered in Psychology in the College of Science and Engineering; Social Work and Counseling in the College of Health and Social Sciences. Authorization in Adapted Physical Education is also offered in the College of Health and Social Sciences.

Teaching and Services Credentials

The Graduate College of Education at SF State is fully accredited by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) through 2021-2022 to offer the following credential programs: