Intern Eligibility: Profiles of Potential Interns

You are currently admitted to or enrolled in the SF State Multiple Subjects / Elementary Education Program and have a job offer:

  1. Is the job in a public school?
  2. What is the name of the school, the school district and in which city is it located?
  3. Will you be teaching part-time or full-time? How many hours each day?
  4. What subject(s) will you teach?
  5. Will you be teaching in a self-contained classroom (i.e., one in which all subjects are taught?)
  6. Will you be the only teacher in the classroom?
  7. Which subsections of the multiple subjects CSET test have you passed?
  8. Have you met the US Constitution requirement? If so, how?
  9. Which semester and year did you begin the multiple subjects program? Which courses have you taken? In which courses are you currently enrolled?
  10. Have you completed 120-hours of pre-service preparation?

You are currently admitted to or enrolled in the SFSU Single Subjects / Secondary Education Program and have a job offer.:

  1. Is the job in a public school?
  2. What is the subject area in which you have verified subject matter competency? Do you have 100% subject matter competence by taking the CSET or through a signed course waiver form?
  3. What is the name of the school and where is it located? What is the name of the district?
  4. What are the names of each course you will teach? How many of each course will you teach per day? Are at least two class periods at the 6th through 12th grade levels?
  5. Will you be the only teacher in the classroom?
  6. Have you met the US Constitution requirement? If so, how?
  7. Which semester and year did you begin the single subjects program? Which courses have you taken? In which courses are you currently enrolled?
  8. Have you completed 120-hours of pre-service preparation?

You have a job offer from a public school but you have not yet applied to the SF State credential program:

  1. In what subject area do you have a bachelor's degree?
  2. What is your overall GPA? If it is below 2.67, what is your GPA for the last 60 hours of college courses you took?
  3. What is the name of the school that may hire you and where is it located?
  4. What are the names of each course you will teach? How many of each course will you teach per day? Are at least two class periods at the 6th through 12th grade levels?
  5. Have you passed the CBEST test or another test that meets the Basic Skills requirement? Credential and Graduate Services Center
  6. Have you completed 100% subject matter competency through coursework that has been approved by an advisor at SFSU?
  7. Or, have you taken the CSET test to meet subject matter competence? Which subject area? Which subtests? When?

You are in your final semester and student teaching in the full-time multiple or single subjects program. The school has offered you a temporary, one-semester position because a teacher will be on leave:

  1. Temporary positions do not qualify for the Intern Program or an Internship Credential.
  2. If you are beginning your final student teaching semester and the school offers you a job that is not temporary, answer the questions in either profile 1 or 2 above.

You do not have a teaching job but plan to apply to the program as soon as you do:

  1. In what subject do you have a bachelor's degree?
  2. What is your overall GPA? If it is below 2.67, what is your GPA for the last 60 hours of college courses you took?
  3. In which geographical location of the Bay Area are you looking for a teaching position?
  4. What steps have you taken to apply for teaching positions?

You have a teaching position but need to enroll in a credential program:

  1. Where did you get your BA? In what subject area?
  2. What is your overall GPA? If it is below 2.67, what is your GPA for the last 60 hours of college courses you took?
  3. What is the name of the school where you are currently employed? In what city is it located?
  4. What are the names of each course you will teach? How many of each course will you teach per day? Are at least two class periods at the 6th through 12th grade levels?
  5. Have you passed the CBEST test or another test that meets the Basic Skills requirement? Credential and Graduate Services Center
  6. Have you taken the CSET test to meet subject matter competence? Which subject area? Which subtests? When?
  7. If you have not taken the CSET test, have you had your transcripts evaluated by a faculty advisor in your subject area to determine whether you have met subject matter competency through courses you have already taken?