Monday’s Eclipse and College Meeting – “With Knowing Comes Caring, with Caring Comes Change”
The GCOE held its second College Meeting of the semester on Monday April 8. About 45 faculty and staff joined us in the Library for an hour of informative sharing. Starting the University’s 125th anniversary, we remembered our roots as a Normal School for training teachers started in 1899 and that evolved into a large university over that time. Our long-standing college is thus the heart of SF State, and will continue for many years. We heard updates on key program development, budget and schedule planning for 2024-25, and the Draft Resolution on Faculty Work Equity presented to the Academic Senate Executive Committee on February 21. If you’d like to see the slides, please send me an email and I’ll share the link.
Happily, the meeting ended outside in front of the Library with eclipse-viewing and lots of amazement and good fellowship.
And here’s our group photo! This might be the most people we’ve had in a photo in many years!
