Adam Graves
Dr. Graves has worked with students who are blind, visually impaired and deafblind since 2003. Over the years he has served as a classroom assistant, special education teacher, teacher of students with visual impairments and, most recently, as an educational consultant for the Texas DeafBlind Project. During his time at the Texas DeafBlind Project Dr. Graves has developed evaluation tools such as the Informal Functional Hearing Evaluation for students who are DeafBlind with Multiple Disabilities (IFHE) and workshops such as the Introduction to the Intervener Team Model training. He has also served as one of the principle instructors and researchers for the Teachers of Students who are DeafBlind (TDB) Pilot – a 2-year program designed to provide training and instruction in DeafBlind education to teachers and support staff for school districts in Texas. Dr. Graves is an active member of both the Association of Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired (AER) and the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) and has served as a member of the board of directors for CEC’s Division on Visual Impairment and DeafBlindness (DVIDB) where he will soon begin his first term as president. In addition, Dr. Graves has served as a member of the CEC’s committees on Knowledge and Skills Standards, Maltreatment, and Accessibility. His dissertation: Checking all the Boxes: A Critical Theory Analysis of Educational Experiences of Congenitally DeafBlind College Students explores the social barriers to educational access for students who are congenitally deafblind through the stories of congenitally deafblind youth and their family members.