Pamela Wolfberg
( She/Her/Hers )Dr. Wolfberg is a professor in the Department of Special Education serving as coordinator of the Autism Spectrum Graduate Certificate (University-wide) and on faculty with the Mild Moderate Support Needs program and Joint Doctoral Program with the University of California, Berkeley. Her primary teaching responsibilities include graduate seminars focused on autism theory, research and practice; atypical child development; and ethnographic research methods. Her scholarship involves deep engagement with autistic people at the intersection of neurodiversity, peer socialization, play culture and the arts. As originator of the Integrated Play Groups (IPG) model and founder of the Autism Collective for Peer Socialization, Play and Imagination, she has an active international agenda leading research, training and global outreach efforts to advance social inclusion and creative expression as fundamental human rights.
Educational Background
- Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley-SFSU (1994)
- M.A., San Francisco State Unversity (1988)
- National Diploma, Ludwig-Maximilians Universität, München with Universität, Düsseldorf, Germany (1983)
- B.A., Kent State University (1979)
Selected Publications
Peer-Reviewed Articles
- Wolfberg, P., & Woods, G.L. (forthcoming). Re-imagining autistic children’s independent and social play with peers, Special issue: Interpersonal World of Autism; Psychoanalytic Inquiry
- Bottema-Beutel, K, Turiel, E., DeWitt, M., & Wolfberg, P. (2017). To include or not to include: Evaluations and reasoning about the failure to include peers with autism in elementary students, Autism: International Journal of Research and Practice.
- Wolfberg, P., DeWitt, M., Young, G.S., & Nguyen, T. (2015). Integrated Play Groups: Promoting symbolic play and social engagement with typical peers in children with [autism] across settings. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 45 (3), 830-845.
- Wolfberg, P.J., Bottema, K., & DeWitt, M., (2012). Integrated Play Groups: Including children with autism in social and imaginary play with typical peers, American Journal of Play 5, 1, 55-80
- Wolfberg, P.J. (2011). Sensory playground structures designed for children with autism: Creating equal access to inclusive play for All children. Autism Spectrum Quarterly.
- Wolfberg, P.J. (2010). Play! A portal to new worlds. Inclusive play-The Outside Scoop, 2, 5 – 10.
- Wolfberg, P.J. (2009). ¡A jugar! Incluyendo a los niños dentro del Espectro Autista en la cultura del juego con sus pares, Paso a Paso, 7 (17).
- Bottema, K., & Wolfberg, P.J. (2007). Peer play and the exceptional child. Exceptional Family, 3. 15-17.
- Duda, S, & Wolfberg, P.J. (2007). A Grandparent’s Journey: Building an Inclusive Community for Children with Autism. Autism Spectrum Quarterly. 4, 16 – 18.
- Wolfberg, P.J. (2005). Play! It’s more than just a button on the remote: Including children on the autism spectrum in the culture of childhood. Autism Spectrum Quarterly. 2, 8-12.
- Wolfberg, P.J. (2004). Guiding children on the autism spectrum in peer play: Translating theory and research into effective and meaningful practice. The Journal of Developmental and Learning Disorders. 8, 7-25.
- Boucher, J. & Wolfberg, P.J. (Eds.) (2003). Editorial. Autism: The International Journal of Research and Practice. 7 (4) 339 – 346.
- Yang, T., Wolfberg, P.J., Wu, S, Hwu, P. (2003). Supporting children on the autism spectrum in peer play at home and school: Piloting the Integrated Play Groups model in Taiwan. Autism: The International Journal of Research and Practice. 7 (4) 437-453.
- Wolfberg, P.J. (2003). Integrierte-spielgruppen: Förderung kommunikation und sozialen fähigkeiten bei autistichen Kindern. Forum Logopaedie (Journal for Speech and Language Association of Germany)
- Wolfberg, P.J. (2000). Making make-believe: Enhancing communication and social skills through Integrated Play Groups. Autism - Asperger's Digest, 3, 12-17.
- Wolfberg, P.J. & Schuler, A.L. (1999). Fostering peer interaction, imaginative play and spontaneous language in children with autism, Child Language Teaching and Therapy Journal. 15 (1), 41-52.
- Wolfberg, P.J., Zercher, C., Lieber, J., Capell, K., Matias, S. G., Hanson, M., & Odom, S. (1999). "Can I play with you?" Peer culture in inclusive preschool programs. Journal for the Association of Persons with Severe Handicaps. 24, (2), 69-84. (*Recipient of Thomas Haring Award - Outstanding Journal Article)
- Dunn Buron, K. & Wolfberg, P.J. (Eds.). (forthcoming). Learners on the autism spectrum: Preparing highly qualified educators and related practitioners (3rd edition) NY: Routledge Publishers. (*Recipient of 2009 Literary Award for 1st edition, Autism Society of America)
- Wolfberg, P.J. (forthcoming). Autism and inclusive peer play culture: A new field guide to the IPG model ). Autism Collective Edition, autismcollective.org
- Wolfberg, P.J. (2019). Lernen von Spiel und Beziehungen zu Gleichaltrigen: Integrierte Spielgruppen, Im (Buchreihe) Autismus konkret: Lern- und Therapiemethoden in der Praxis, Stuttgart, Deustchland: Kohlhammer
- Wolfberg, P.J. (2009). Play and imagination in children with autism (2nd edition) New York: Teachers College Press, Columbia University.
- Dunn Buron, K. & Wolfberg, P.J. (Eds.). (2008). Learners on the autism spectrum: Preparing highly qualified educators. Shawnee Mission, KS: AAPC. (recipient of 2009 Literary Award, Autism Society of America)
- Wolfberg, P.J. (2003). Peer play and the autism spectrum: The art of guiding children’s socialization and imagination (IPG Field Manual) Shawnee Mission, KS: AAPC.
Book Chapters
- Wolfberg, P., & Buron (forthcoming). Perspectives on evidence-based practice and autism: Tenets of competent, humanistic and meaningful support. In Buron & Wolfberg (Eds)) Learners on the autism spectrum: Preparing highly qualified educators and related practitioners (3rd edition). NY: Routledge Publications
- Wolfberg, P., McCracken, H. & Tuchel, T. (forthcoming). Fostering social Inclusion in the true spirit of play and friendships. In Buron & Wolfberg (Eds) . In Buron & Wolfberg (Eds)) Learners on the autism spectrum: Preparing highly qualified educators and related practitioners (3rd edition). NY: Routledge Publications
- Balasubramian, L., Blum, A., & Wolfberg, P. (2019). Building on early foundations into school: Fostering Socialization in Meaningful Socio-Cultural Contexts, In R. Jordan, L. Robert, J., & K. Hume (Eds) Autism and Education: International Handbook, London, U.K., Sage Publications.
- Wolfberg, P.J. (2016). Integrated Play Groups for children on the autism spectrum. In C.E. Schaefer & H. Kaduson (Eds.) Short-term play therapy for children (3rd Edition) Guilford Publishers.
- Wolfberg, P.J., (2016). Integrated Play Groups: Supporting children with autism in essential play experiences with typical peers. In L. Reddy, C. Schaefer, & L. File-Hall (Eds), Empirically-based play interventions for children (2nd edition) American Psychological Association.
- Wolfberg, P.J. (2015). Integrated Play Groups for children on the autism spectrum. In C.E. Schaefer & H. Kaduson (Eds.) Short-term play therapy for children (3rd edition) Guilford Publishers.
- Wolfberg, P.J. (2015). Play's role and meaning in the lives of children with autism. In D. Fromberg & D. Bergin (Eds) Play from birth to twelve: Contexts, perspectives, and meanings (3rd edition). Routledge.
- Wolfberg, P.J. (2012). Integrated Play Groups model. In Lyons & Freilch (Eds.) Cutting-edge therapies for autism. NY: Skyhorse Publishing Company
- Wolfberg, P.J. (2011). Die Bedeutung des Spiels fuer Peer-Beziehungen und soziale Inklusion in paedagogischen Einrichtungen fuer Klein- und Vorschulkinder (2nd edition). In B. Ytterhus & M. Kreuzer (Eds.) „Dabei sein ist nicht alles“ – Soziale Inklusion und Marginalisie-rung in integrativen Gruppen des Kindergartens – Eine Anthologie. International Buchprojeket, Universität Trondheim mit Hochschule Niederrhein.
- Neufeld, D. & Wolfberg, P.J. (2010). From novice to expert: Guiding children on the autism spectrum in Integrated Play Groups. In Schaefer, C. (Ed.) Play therapy for preschool children. Washington, D.C: American Psychological Association.
- Wolfberg, P.J. (2008). Including children with autism in the culture of play with peers. In C. Forlin & J M-G Lion (Eds). Reforms, Inclusion and Teacher Education: Towards a New Era of Special Education in Asia-Pacific Regions. Center for Advancement in Special Education, Hong Kong University.
- Wolfberg, P.J. & Schuler, A.L. (2006). Promoting social reciprocity and symbolic representation in children with autism: Designing quality peer play interventions (p. 180 – 219). In T. Charman & W. Stone (Eds.). Early social communication in autism spectrum disorders. NY: Guilford Publications.
Selected Grants
- Project ALLIES – Autism Language and Learning in Inclusive Educational Settings: Interdisciplinary Preparation of Highly Qualified Speech-Language Pathologists and Special Educators to Support Diverse Students on the Autism Spectrum. U.S. Department of Education (OSERS) (CFDA 84.325K); Co-PI with Dr. Betty Yu
- Project Common Ground: Preparing Highly Qualified Speech-Language Pathologists to Meet the Communication Needs of Children [on the] Autism [Spectrum] in Diverse Settings (2011 - 2016) US Department of Education, OSERS (#H325K110326) Co-PI with Dr. Betty Yu
- Integrated Play Groups: Promoting Symbolic Play, Social Engagement and Communication with Peers Across Settings in Children with [Autism] (2008-2013) Autism Speaks Treatment Award-Clinical Research; PI
- Integrated Play and Drama Groups for Children and Adolescents on the Autism Spectrum (2009-2012) Transcooperative Research, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation with the Flora Family and Mendelson Family Foundations; Co-PI with Dr. Henri Julius, University of Rostock, Germany
- Project Mosaic: Preparing Highly Qualified Educators to Meet the Unique Needs of Learners [on the] Autism [Spectrum] in Diverse Settings (2006 - 2011) US Department of Education, OSERS (#H325K060211); PI