Yanan Fan
( She/Her/Hers )Dr. Yanan Fan is currently a Professor in the Department of Secondary Education. She studies literacy learning of immigrant adolescents and teacher education. She started her work in language education in 1992, as a teacher of English in Beijing, China. After obtaining a Master's Degree in Teaching English as a Foreign Language from Beijing Normal University, she worked with secondary teachers and students in Michigan. Dr. Fan completed her doctoral degree in Teacher Education in 2006 from Michigan State University, and joined the faculty at San Francisco State the same year. Her major research interests are related to the social and cultural processes of second language literacy. She has examined how immigrant students negotiate language and academic demands, as well as the social and identity issues of adolescence amid the linguistic, socioeconomic, and cultural complexities of central city schools. She has also published studies of language learning and teaching experiences of teacher candidates.
Educational Background
- Michigan State University, 2006, Ph.D. in Curriculum, Teaching, and Educational Policy (concentration: Second Language Literacy)
- Beijing Normal University, 2000, M.A. in English Literature (concentration: Teaching of English as a Second/Foreign Language)
- Shanghai International Studies University, 1995, Fulbright Graduate Fellow, in American Studies
- Capital Normal University (Beijing), 1992, B.A. in English Literature
Selected Publications/peer reviewed journal articles
- Fan, Y. (in press). Content area pre-service candidates learning language teaching with adolescent immigrants in an urban PDS middle school. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning.
- Woodrich, M. & Fan, Y. (2017). Google Docs as a Tool for Collaborative Writing in the Middle School Classroom. Journal of Information Technology Education: Research, 16, 391-410.
- Fan, Y. (2013a). Every teacher is a language teacher: Preparing teacher candidates for English language learners with service learning. International Journal of Community Research and Engagement, 6, 77-92.
- Fan, Y. (2013b). "Good" English language learners: Understanding different perspectives on immigrant students in an urban public school. Journal of Interdisciplinary Education, 12, 75-92.
- Peer Reviewed Journal Articles
- Fan, Y. & Han, X. (2012).The teacher’s stories at a Chinese maintenance school. New Waves: Educational Research and Development, 15, 46-61.
- Fan, Y. (2009). Lost in institution: Learning to write in Midwestern urban mainstream classrooms. Journal of Southeast Asian American Education & Advancement, 4, 1-17.
- Fan, Y. (2009). How mainstream teachers learn from ELL students. Essential Teacher (TESOL), 6, 31-33.
- Fan, Y. (2008). When English Language Learners Write: Connecting Research to Practice, K-8. Book Review. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, 8, 116-119.
- Fan, Y. (2008). Building a community of love: What can teachers learn from Vietnamese immigrant students. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Education, 8, 228-240.
- Fan, Y. & Han, X. (2007). Negotiating the English language and researcher role: A reflection of two NNESTs. Nonnative English Speakers in TESOL (NNEST) Caucus Newsletter, 9, 2-4.
- Fan, Y. & Han, M. (2000). Assessing listening competence in China’s National Matriculation English Examination. Foreign Language Teaching In Schools, 23, 8-11.
- Fan, Y. (1999). Exploring teaching and learning English with word processors at college. Foreign Languages and Their Teaching, 125, 172-173.
- Peer-Reviewed Book Chapters
- Fan, Y. (2011) Negotiating languages and practices: Field experience of a pre-service high school teacher of Chinese. In Rong, X. L. & Endo, R. (Eds.). Asian American Education – Asian American Identities, Racial Issues, and Languages (pp. 181-200). Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing.
- Fan, Y. (1998). Scaffolding EFL writing: Classroom activities in a computer-assisted composition class. In Liang, Y (Ed.). Selected articles of foreign language teaching and research (pp. 33-40). Beijing: World Books Press.
- Books
- Fan, Y. & Qin, A. (2001). Those happy times: Selected English reading passages for EFL high school students. Beijing: Beijing Publishing House.
- Fan, Y. & Zhang, C. (1997). Tourism English. Beijing: Tourism Education Press.
- Edited Book
- Liu, X. & Fan, Y. (Eds.) (2000). Guide to spoken English test of National College Entrance Examination in China. Changchun: Jilin Educational Press.
Development of Research and Creativity (DRC) Grant for research project, “Mathematics, the Common Core, and language learning: A case study in a high school ESL classroom,” California State University, 2017
Teaching and Learning with Technology SED Collaborative Grant for online course development of SED790 Second Language Development and SED751 Classroom Environment and Management, Graduate College of Education, 2017
California State University Mini Grant, 2011-2012.
TESOL (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages) Professional Development Scholarship, 2010.
California State University Faculty Affirmative Action Grant, 2009.
Community Scholarship Faculty Grant, 2008 – 2010.
Faculty International Development Grant, 2007.
California State University Faculty Affirmative Action Grant, 2007.
California State University Summer Stipend, 2006.